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Help Line

For people living with chronic pain.

Is pain part of your everyday experience?

Do you need to talk to someone in complete confidentiality?
You are not alone; the AQDC is here to help. To be even more proactive, a Help Line was set up to help you talk about your pain and its impact on your life. The Help Line is there if you need to talk, to confide in someone or even if you just want some information.
We are well aware that it’s not always easy to talk about pain with your loved ones, and that’s why we set up the Help Line, to provide support and assistance, to break your isolation. Call us or leave us a detailed message and someone from our team will return your call.


The LINE IS AVAILABLE from Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. et de 1 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. This is a toll-free number and is completely confidential.

In the event of an emergency

If you are having suicidal thoughts and are unable to reach us, please call the Association québécoise de prévention du suicide (Suicide Prevention Line) at

1 866 APPELLE (1 866 277-3553)

Suicide Prevention Centres are staffed with professionals, qualified individuals and volunteers trained to provide assistance and answer your questions. These organisations are very active in their communities and work together to prevent suicide.

You may also contact Info-Santé by dialing 811 or call 911.

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